Was soll ich mir zum Weihnachten wünschen?
Es ist wahrscheinlich noch ein bisschen zu früh, aber meine Eltern wollen es jetzt schon unbedingt wissen. Mir fällt aber nichts ein. Ich bin weiblich und 12. Habt ihr irgendwelche Vorschläge? Handy, Laptop, etc. hab ich schon. Es würde auch schon helfen wenn ihr eure Wünschen zu Weihnachten schreibt. Vielleicht gefällt mir etwas davon auch.
Your parents are supposed to give you a so-called license account, then you can always ask for money (Christmas, birthday, Easter etc.) and save it there.
There are good interest rates and if it is ready, you can make your driver’s license or something else.
Hey, since you’ve got everything, and you’re unplanned, you’ll surprise your parents this year with an exceptional Christmas wish.
Wish you: NOTES
Isn’t that a logical contradiction?
I wouldn’t say, but if you discover a logical contradiction, you can keep it for you. Then you got something from me that Christmas.
You don’t want anything?
Then do something good for someone who’s not so good. Wish you some games or what you like and donate them for e.g. children in the nursery. We once bought and donated a lot of first-class sticks for early-born babies. We also have so much poverty in Germany. Give and make others a joy is a beautiful feeling. Otherwise, wish you money and save for your license.
You have to think about it.
Video game, book, social game, jewelry, accessory, clothing, toiletries, decoration…
Make a cookbook so you can cook your parents.
You have no wish? Then just tell your parents you want to be surprised.
You can wish you a lot of books
If you have no wishes, you obviously seem to have everything you need. Wish you money for the savings book. Reasons, for my future, driving license, first car.