Was soll ich mir zum Geburtstag wünschen?
Hey, ich bin weiblich und werde demnächst 14. Ich habe eigentlich schon alles was ich möchte, aber weil ich bald Geburtstag hab fragen mich alle was ich mir wünsche (was richtiges kein Geld). Nur weiß ich einfach nicht was . Habt ihr irgendwelche ideen?
jewellery (chain or ring) wristwatch, handbag, backpack, wallet, sauna towel, bathrobe, cuddly blanket, a book of your choice, an e-reader (Kindle),
A voucher for hairdresser of your choice / restaurant of your choice
A chic bed linen of your choice
Movie voucher
Save for the car guide ticket
First, you think about how much money the donors would be willing to spend on you. The second thought would be what you would buy if you had that money. You share this object with the gifter.
It may also be a joint trip, concert or other actiion.
You don’t have to wish for your birthday, but enjoy it.
I was also unhappy for my last birthday what I wish.
But I just wanted a voucher (such as Amazon, etc).
If not say “Surprise me“ to your family members if you ask what you wish.
It is important that you can spend time with your family / friends for your birthday.
Shouldn’t be bad now, but some details would be good what you even like.
For me, gothic things and anime figures would be super
Gold coin
Music lessons
Singing lessons
Remedial voucher
A holiday request
Same has everything
there is always irgwas🙃muss yes nx material be hehe😏 No fun is just absolutely nx helpful lol
Then I wish an Ella for my birthday😍😂
you will