What should I wish for my birthday?
I'm 14, what should I wish for?
I'm 14, what should I wish for?
My boyfriend's father's birthday is coming up soon, and I need a last-minute gift for him. I haven't talked to him much yet, since he's rarely home and I've only been dating his son for four months. Do you have any suggestions for more general, smaller gifts? He is about 50 & loves cycling (But…
Hello, there's a wedding in my family in a few months (60+). It will be a family celebration (around 35 people). The bride has already hinted that she would appreciate something special (like a wedding newspaper, etc.). I'm usually responsible for things like this and I enjoy doing it, but in this case, although I…
Hey guys, I've been looking online to see if I can find the biggest teddy bear you can buy, but I haven't found anything. I'm looking for something at least 3 meters long, preferably near Cologne, but it could also be an online shop. Hopefully you can help me
Does anyone have any ideas about what book to give my little brother for his 13th birthday? He hasn't exactly been a bookworm so far…
Or would you rather be separate?
Hi, my birthday is coming up in about 2 months and I want to invite around 4-5 girls but I've often had bad experiences with birthdays when nothing was prepared and people were bored. I already have several ideas but I wanted to get some other answers from people of the same age. LG🩷
Here are a couple of ways to clothes(Teure shoes, brand pullis etc.), box of your favorite musician, books, cell phone if you are a girl jewelry, Merch, Netflix for a year if you haven’t.
Thanks Best Answer To Now
Warm shoes / boots for winter.
Money to donate it to social institutions
I believe that there are clearly better ways for the questioner to spend the money
If you have everything and therefore are satisfied, why not do what good?
Because you still find something you can buy.
for example Nen iPhone or n IPad.
You can think about what makes you happy for a long time.
A child. Or a car.
Well, 14
More ideas I am asked what I want to buy from
Or say you want to save
Zoe nature
A gf
What’s that?
Girlfriend xd
That Corona goes away
I will