Was soll ich mir wünschen?

ich werde bald 13 und Weiß einfach nicht was ich mir zu meinem Geburtstag wünschen soll. Ich cosplaye gerne (meine Eltern halten leider nicht so viel davon), ich mag Animes, lese gerne Mangas, geh reiten, schmink mich gerne, suche momentan nach einer Skin care Routine und sonst mag ich gerne so Pastell rosa süße Sachen.

ein link zu den Sachen wäre schön

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2 years ago

Some more information, for example the price frames, would be helpful.

In general, I can say little about your interests.

otherwise I like so pastel pink sweet things

How about a pink unicorn?

I like cosplaye

I can’t say a lot about that.

You don’t need a lot of make-up, depending on the figure you represent?

I like to taste

Is such an outfit ever finished?

Once it’s the color in the textiles that are bleached, sometimes it’s the shoes that aren’t completely new, or the figure you’re looking for has changed something, etc?

There are various cosplay events.

Maybe you can convince your parents to take part?

One, not complete, list:




2 years ago

If you don’t know what you’re supposed to be, don’t worry, just be gratifying and grateful for all you have.

2 years ago

If you don’t know what to want you then wish you money – so you can buy it later if you know what to do.

2 years ago

Just pick up your gift request until you get a good idea.

2 years ago

Please donate your parents the money for birthday gifts for animal welfare.