Was soll ich meiner Mutter zum Geburtstag schenken – wenig Geld?
Meine Mutter wird am Dienstag 46 und ich weiß nicht was ich ihr schenken soll. Zu mir ich bin 11 und hab nur so 10 Euro die ich verwenden kann…
Danke für alle Ideen (ist besser wenn es nichts gekauftes ist aber kreativ? und vllt was was man verwenden kann?) im Voraus, lg
Hello! For the first time, you need to find out what your mother is interested in: animals, cosmetics, skin care,… then you can make or buy something suitable. Inspiration can be found on Youtube, Tiktok or Pinterest!
Good luck creating your business to your mother! I hope she will be happy about it.
More creative with help in the household…or cook
A little flowerpot – maybe something blooming? I’m sure you get a few euros.
A self-written card is a must, a scented candle, cookbook, voucher.
All ideas!
Thank you. Candle gets it for Christmas
Best time that is more important than any gift.
We don’t know what your mother likes.
Well, I said what creative thing you can use. for little money / nothing
Does what you can use for sewing or painting or something? Don’t know