Was soll ich malen?
Ich habe Lust etwas zu malen aber mir fällt nichts ein, habt ihr vielleicht Ideen?
Ich habe Lust etwas zu malen aber mir fällt nichts ein, habt ihr vielleicht Ideen?
Was kann man seiner freundin zu weihnachten schenken? Habt ihr Tipps? Ich will ihr schon einen Ring schenken. Aber ich weiß nicht was ich noch dazu schenken könnte
Alle sind redraws. Auf der rechten Seite.
Jedes Jahr die gleichen Probleme, deshalb wollte ich dieses Mal die Community um Hilfe bitten. Mein Papa ist problematisch wenn es um Geschenke geht. Kurz zu ihm: Er ist 64 Jahre alt und mag das Handwerk. Hat allerdings so ziemlich alle Werkzeuge die er braucht. Ansonsten interessiert er sich für Sport – nimmt sich diesbezüglich…
Something else…
… when you painted so far. Find out some different street pavements and photograph them. It may also be ancient walls. Find small plants in cracks, gaps and joints that you also photograph. Small animals that can sit there also in the picture.
Compose an idyllic little spot on the edge of your “beauty”.
“The idyllic little place on the edge of attention” – somehow touches your formulation because it inspires to focus on the easy to overlook everyday treasures/perles/paradies.
All important developments start with attention on the edge.
Abstract designs start on paper. Geometric shapes/circles combine with lines and surfaces. Then with color on canvas or something.
Okay, that would be the contrast program to my proposal. But you can connect both and give some room at some point of intersection of the lines of the flora. Just enough to focus attention.
That’s what you’ve put on the point again, thank you!
It depends on what your malstiel is. Do you prefer to paint something simple or something unusual? Do you take strong colors or more simple? I just painted something yesterday. Since I am more currently on pastel colors I also used pastel colors
Hope I could help you a little more 😉
Some character from your favorite movie… Or something or something that is very important to you.
Maybe a sea creature or something.
My suggestions for you:
P.S. There’s just so much you can draw!
Just use your creativity!
What do you think of an act image of you, good exercises are hands and feet, or a single breast.
Also offers itself as a life project: portraying itself at a distance of a few years and capturing the visible changes on canvas, but please without a flattering self-restraint;-).
Exciting could also be a pair of self-portraits. The first honest like an original photo and the second then retouched accordingly to the current fashion. The honest images will probably change more slowly because the surgical “face mode” changes more rapidly. …
good target
Yes, sounds like an interesting and – following your guess – revealing project: from being to (beautiful?) appearance…