Was soll ich machen wenn ich mein powerline nur an eine Wand Mehrfachsteckdose stecken kann?

Ich habe mir vor paar Tagen eine Powerline geholt habe dann auch gesehen das man das nur an eine einzelne Steckdose stecken soll habe jetzt mit wand Mehrfachsteckdose versucht weil es nicht anders geht

Eigentlich funktioniert alles gut nur das halt oft das WLAN schlecht wird oder gar nicht funktioniert dann starte ich die Dinger neu und dann funktionieren die für mehrere Minuten aber dann wieder das selbe

Was soll ich tun

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5 months ago

What else use, because Dlan is not only a problem with multiple sockets, but basically. Always sounds great, but the power grid should not transport data.

There are some more things you can do

Here is a list of very good data transfer, to leave the fingers of it. after school notes

1 Lan cable

is not beaten, Even the cheapest barbars have 2 grooves for cable guidance. perpendicular to the stairs or horizontally along the ceiling. There are now flat ones that fit into the door.

In laminate it becomes more difficult. There you have to drill An option are strong magnets that there are in about (5mm) a few of them in a thin slice of a string. On the other hand also those. Then you pull the cable carefully through the hole, go after it and then put furniture adhesive film.

But not all door frames are massively foamed. If a page goes out there.

I want it to go upstairs. On a staircase you can trick a ed tape as safety light with motion detector over it. Or you put a knife plant and pull the cable straight up.

2 Accesspoint

This can also be an old router, a repeater, which must then be set up. They’ll get the signal over a Lan cable and then give Wlan out.



3 mesh


4 Dlan.

5 Would be normal repeaters. They really are just the absolute emergency solution.

5 months ago
Reply to  Eric98657

And the one who runs under 5 is an absolute emergency solution. That’s why I didn’t write you.

5 months ago

Two things:

First, Powerline is at best an emergency solution for time. It is not possible to use a permanent connection; either the connection tears off or the adapters break down sooner or later (usually both).

Secondly, you should add the adapters (if it has to be) that are placed between the power outlet and multiple plugs, so that even a power socket is placed. Like this:

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013 of 13 December 2013 laying down detailed rules for the application of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the application of the Schengen acquis (OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 1).

Only thought of as an example of clarification.

5 months ago
Reply to  FordPrefect

I’ve been running Powerline for 5 years and I’ve got no problem, and I’ve got no problem. There is no power loss or anything else. No one I know.

5 months ago
Reply to  floppydisk

Congratulations, you’re the only one.

5 months ago

I don’t know your situation on site.

But what about a multiple socket?

There are also multiple sockets in which the plug has again installed a socket.

My concern is more on the LAN cable. The fact that it takes damage when moving or the RJ45 can.

5 months ago

Get you W-Lan. Powerline’s quite, very horrible. I’ve tried this too, but it even shot the DSL – according to router. Depending on the age of your apartment / house and the shielding of the lines, there can be serious disturbances here, as you notice yourself. You can’t do anything here – just switch to Wlan or cable.