Was soll ich machen (Amazon Identität bestätigen)?


ich habe mir einen 40€ Amazon Gutschein gekauft, und habe diesen eingelöst. Jetzt möchte Amazon aufeinmal, dass ich meine Identität bestätige, bevor ich etwas mit dem Guthaben kaufen kann.

Das Problem ist, dass ich Minderjährig bin. Was passiert wenn ich mein echtes Alter (16) bei Amazon angebe? Weil theoretisch verstößen sie gegen die Richtlinien, wenn sie mein Amazon-Konto sperren und die 40€ behalten.

Danke, falls mir jemand helfen kann (:

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1 year ago

The problem is that I’m a minor. What happens when I wear my real age (16) at Amazon?

Final Lock and the money’s gone too.

Because they theoretically violate the guidelines when they lock my Amazon account and keep 40€.


This is what someone writes himself very conscious violated the directives in which he registered with a fake birth date at Amazon.

Criminal law is not without:

Click: StGB §263

Click: StGB §269

Talk to Mom and Dad that they are connected to Amazon, you can’t do it yourself because of your minority.

1 year ago

It’s good that the Amazon security routines make sure the rules are complied with.

You deliberately violated it and now follow the consequences – it is logical.

You will be locked and you will not get to the balance until further notice.

Talk to your parents, they can try to figure out something. But don’t make any big hopes.

Did you think that Amazon’s rules are just for fun and not for you?

2 months ago
Reply to  Rubezahl2000

I could order now since I was 14 without problems with my current account at Amazon. Why is it now failing with a voucher.

2 months ago
Reply to  Luckyyyyyyy22

That was all wrong.
Now they got you.
Irregular things always function only until you get caught – and then the consequences follow.

It’s like black driving in the train, or like the shoplift: if you didn’t get caught the first time, you shouldn’t conclude that you never get caught.
You’ll get caught sooner or later.

1 year ago

Since you are underage, you cannot use the Amazon voucher. Amazon does not deliver to minors.

1 year ago

Because they theoretically violate the guidelines when they lock my Amazon account and keep 40€.

Funny that you’re telling the Amazon to violate “the guidelines” but don’t call what…

OBWOHL … it is you who have violated the terms of use of Amazon and that Amazon is not allowed to use at all. You cannot use Amazon under 18 years of age if there is no parent. A separate user account anyway not.

What happens now? The money remains intact and may be refunded to the payment method.

10 months ago
Reply to  cartiweh

Your mom can allow a lot if the day is long. 😹😹😹

Amazon does not allow it. Your mama can allow it until you are full-year. As long as you have to wait to redeem the balance.

Provided you have not been locked in life until then, that often happens in such cases.

Many minors have already tried and fell on their nose.

You don’t have to put another 40 €uro in your hand than a full-year-old person and ask for you to order. 🙋🏼

1 year ago
Reply to  cartiweh

Amazon does not allow that. They’re in charge, not Mutti.

1 year ago
Reply to  cartiweh

You (!) may not own a user account at Amazon as long as you are minor. This is unequivocal to read in Amazon’s terms and conditions.

Using an Amazon account from a full year is another thing, but also only in the supervision of one and with the participation of a parent or guardian.

The balance is “frozen”.

1 year ago

No, you violated the guidelines. Amazon expressly reserves the right to freeze credit if users violate the policies. You can wait until you’re 18 and then hope that it won’t look exactly when the account was opened or write the money directly.

1 year ago

The terms are clear, you have to be 18 to be able to shop there. So it’s not with a voucher. You can ask an adult to redeem the voucher for you against goods.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nussbecher

How is an adult supposed to redeem the cash already paid in an account?

1 year ago
Reply to  miezepussi

Yes, you’re right, that would have been possible if you had thought before 🙂