Was soll ich machen?
Hallo Freunde,
Ich habe vor 2 Wochen ein Auto bei eBay Kleinanzeigen verkauft. Ich habe das Auto privat verkauft. Und ich habe dem Käufer gesagt, dass es privat ist und ich keine Rückgaben akzeptiere. Aber er hat mich gestern nach 2 Wochen angerufen und gesagt, dass ich es zurückgeben möchte. Ich sagte, das sei nicht möglich. Er sagte, ich würde zu einem Anwalt gehen und mir eine gerichtliche Vorladung schicken wenn ich den auto nicht nehmen. Und er sagte, wenn ich das Auto nicht zurücknehme, müsste ich vor Gericht gehen und mehr als 5000 € zahlen. Ich brauche jetzt Hilfe, ich weiß nicht, was ich tun soll.
Don’t worry, he’s just telling a lot of bullshit to scare you.
Of course, it would be helpful to know why he doesn’t want to have the car now and whether you might have some share of it (regarded lack or the like).
Stay calm and do nothing.
Only react if mail comes.
Then, if necessary, for consumer protection or for a lawyer.
More or less a known stitch. Nothing happens because it has no legal basis. Let him go to court. Block it and ignore it. Next time always all in writing, no matter how sympathetic/hübsch/reich/arm/lusty the buyer is.
In the standard purchase agreements signed by both parties on private sale, the return is excluded. So you’re on the safe side.
Should he do exactly this, you have completely correctly excluded withdrawal, warranty and liability for material (hopefully written).
Did he call a reason why he wants to return the car?
Written we have nothing but I have said buyers that is private sale and I accept the car not later
If you sell something from private to private, nobody can do anything except you lied about the article, e.g. the car sold as an accident-free, although it had an accident etc.
I didn’t lie, I showed the car and the buyer looked at the car completely with 2 other people, the engine and a few small scratches. After that they checked and bought it
Purchase contract?
Then you’re fine out (believe) 😊
The buyer registered the car and drove it for two weeks.
OK, then it’s a bit more complicated, because if the buyer has not registered the car, you’re still the last owner. I’m afraid I don’t know what this looks like right now. Sry
No, I just sold that way