Was soll ich machen?
Ich will mir eine katze hollen eine maine coon in mein zimmer das problem is ich wohne in einer wg und die is grad net die ruihgste und ich hab angst das sie von balkon springt und abhaut und netz darf ich keins aufstellen meint ihr ich solls lassen:( (bitte seit mir net böse wegen der frage…)
One is too small, and for 2 you will have too little space, a balcony without net is risky, not because it jumps down, but because it could fall down, for example, if she sees a bird that flies just past and she wants to catch it.
A loud WG is also not ideal, cats sleep a lot (have degree 16h in the head) and there you should be as quiet as possible or normal loud noises of yourself, I’m sorry but there’s nothing at all that you can take 2 cats with you.
Ju so I wait till I have a living
Not good, you need a lot of movement and are not intended as a single attitude.
Keeping a Maine Coon alone and exclusively in the room is animal torture!
The balcony door is open
What is so difficult to understand in my answer?
Clear apartment on the land because I am used to living in an apartment on the land because I am worth a visit to the land
Even an apartment (in the city) is unsuitable! A Maine coon needs hundreds of meters out! Not even a garden is enough!
Yes move it to ixh have an apartment
Then be so good and move the project until you have a house in the country.
That was just a question.
Especially the cat would be miserable! I had a Maine Coon, a beautiful, freedom-loving animal!
I don’t know
Leave it. Cats need space and nature to keep cats in apartments alone I don’t think okay.
Please don’t! Just don’t have a single room!! It’s not kind.
That’s why I asked
Please. Single attitude and then only one WG room, that would really be animal torture.