Was soll ich machen?
ich habe etwas bestellt aber meine Bestellung wird immer wieder Storniert und wenn ich erneut bestellen will heißt es ich habe das schon aber das stimmt nicht weil wird ja immer wieder Storniert. Und ich habe schon versucht mit Debit Karte zu zahlen aber da steht immer meine Kartennummer ist falsch aber ist sie nicht und dann habe ich es mit meinem Bankkonto versucht aber da wird es halt storniert . Und irgendwie kann ich die Monatsabrechnung da nicht mehr ändern . Was soll ich tuen?
Find other sellers. It will not be so exclusive. And if so, consider whether you really want the article and why this seller is so important to you.
you mean Amazon or the provider of it
I mean it as general as I wrote it.
The seller doesn’t want to sell to you. Find another seller. It doesn’t have to be on the Internet. Everything, really everything, is also traded stationary. Drive to an adequate dealer and take the goods after cash payment.
At Amazon order, this is basically only from 18J allowed – no matter what is ordered.
And you’re away from it for several years.
You’re not!
So you not only committed AGB infringement, but also data falsification and identity fraud?
Do you realize that this is going to the offense according to §269 StGB?
The consequences will follow…
2 years
with 16J you are already secret Carsbecause you don’t care about the driving rules?
How to know
It doesn’t matter to you, but they’re not stupid.
Main thing, minor liars, counterfeiters and deceivers are caught and the consequences follow…
Ok Super thank you I’ll leave this in the future have not been thinking because thought they can’t even know if I worship something else and yes thank you!
Experience has shown that this is rather rare for Amazon to reimburse a criminal complaint.
You’ll probably be locked.
But still, you should worry about the fact that rules, general terms and laws are not fun and that significant consequences can follow when you do illegal things or even commit crimes.
These can be consequences that have a long impact on your future.
I will be displayed now
then keep ordering at nem other dealer, there is more than just one on the Internet
but if you are u18, you have already forgiven by law
That’s probably because you’re underage and Amazon is 18 years old….
I have indicated that I was older than 18bin
You’ve already made yourself criminal. Just delete the account and wait until you are full year.
And Amazon is of course stupid and never notices that xD
I’ve been unsubscribed enough that’s what I’ve done today