Was soll ich machen?
Servus an alle erstmal, ich mache es kurz und knackig. Undzwar es geht um meinen Vater der sehr schweren Rheuma hat, nun das Problem er ist Polizist (Ausbilder) seid 32 Jahren und sagen wir mal das Geld von meinem Vater ist essentiell für uns, unmöglich das wir darauf verzichten können. ( Also das Geld würde für Miete usw. niemals reichen) und Krankheitsbedingt ist er immer öfter krank, kann ich nicht zur Arbeit usw. (Rheuma). Gut also er hat Optionen : Weiter arbeiten gehen und in 5 Jahren an Rheuma sterben oder kündigen und dann verhungern. Beides nicht das Optimalste. Was ist euer Ratschlag? Tipp? Erfahrung? Schreibts gerne reine und freue mich auf jeden Vorschlag.
Hier weitere Infos falls wer Experte ist : Er ist seid 32 jahren (oder 31) bei der Polizei, war in Afghanistan 12 monate. Hat mehreren schulische Weiterbildung und ist bereits Heimat verbunden eingesetzt. Das Rheuma ist kein normales sondern ganz Körper wie zb ; Hände/Gesichts hälfte für 30minuten mal gelehmt all sowas halt, gibt noch viel mehr Beispiele.
Hoffentlich versteht ihr mein Problem und habt Vorschläge!
Ggf would be able to change the job within the police. He probably can’t do a physically demanding job (including trainers?) but maybe an office job (e.g. hotline 110, video evaluations).
Fortunately, we have a welfare state, so you don’t have to starve. However, it would probably lower your standard of living significantly if your father can no longer work.
I think you want to get some help here. It may also be that someone finds a good solution. But if there’s no jmd. Professionals who can help you or something like that? Of course both are going. But it was just a suggestion.
I wish you all good and good improvement!!🍀🍀🍀
Greetings, professional help we had he had to work instead of 45h the week only 41h the week. My father is soon 50 and we are already talking about how the tombstone should look (no fun) we have telephoned everywhere and he must not receive any civil money (what would be enough) because he has never paid in the pension insurance / insurance fund♂️ ♂️ (Karma or so?) well, maybe we can help us.
Thanks anyway for your answer, all good to you
I think that’s impossible. Pension insurance is compulsory insurance, including for civil servants.
I’m really sorry. Still all good!🍀 It’ll be okay!
That would be the inability insurance I mentioned, and I don’t understand why he’s closing it and then paying nothing.
Nevertheless, your father is not mediocre if he can’t work anymore. As an official (I assume he’s one) he gets a rest from the state.
Your father should know everything.
I thought, too, but I have no idea why here are some words: he is not as insured as “normal” so he is not allowed to have a citizen’s money. He told me in his weird insurance he always had to pay what he never did.
Or maybe ask for the money again?
In Germany, no one has to starve.If your father can’t work anymore, he can apply for incapacity pension.
Didn’t your father have any inability insurance? Because he would be safe with it without financial losses.