What should I do in the gym?
Hello, I'm a 15-year-old boy, 1.95m tall and weigh 125kg, and I've joined a gym. But I don't know what to do? Lose weight or build muscle. I don't have a training plan. Do you have any tips or training plans?
Hello, I'm a 15-year-old boy, 1.95m tall and weigh 125kg, and I've joined a gym. But I don't know what to do? Lose weight or build muscle. I don't have a training plan. Do you have any tips or training plans?
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2 slices of Weltmeister bread, topped with 4 slices of cucumber and a fried egg with some baked beans.
Hello, I tore a muscle fiber while stretching six weeks ago. I've slowly started training again. I play soccer. I thought I was okay, but I still get a stabbing pain behind my knee or on my thigh when I train. I don't want others to think I'm overdoing it. Do you think I can…
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Usually you get a first hour with a trainer who shows you all the equipment you want to work and what you want to do. If this has not happened, I find this already quite borderline, especially with 15, where the bones are still soft and a wrong training can cause considerable damage, but a correct training is absolutely okay (in contrast to the outdated opinion, young people do not belong to the gym).
In any case, you have already decided with the gym for a part of a right path, be aware, only sport rarely helps with weight loss, usually the diet does not fit.
Many make mistakes to put on a strong calorie deficit and cardio. With this, you lose weight quickly, but also destroy muscles and drive the body generally on asparagus. It’s hard to get out later.
You definitely rely on strength training, because you even want to build your muscles, not just protect them. That’s all right, as long as you still have plenty of fat cushions, as long as you train well and take enough proteins to you.
The factor of nutrition is important first. Look, you don’t make a diet that you end at some point, but you look at something you’d eat permanently, consisting of proteins (e.g. meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes such as peas and lentils), healthy fats (e.g. fat fish such as salmon or eel, nuts and kernels such as walnuts and cashews…) If you get cravings on chocolate, for example, protein pudding helps instead of sugar bombs (of course not source of health, but in small amounts healthier than comparable amounts of normal pudding or chocolate). Then you don’t need to count calories because it’s already balanced (and well-saturated), nor to tip protein shakes for the muscles on it, because you already have plenty of proteins in it and shakes would be just extra calories.
Now for training:
Look, in any case, that you have two, in the beginning maybe even three days off before you reclaim the same muscles with strength exercises. Muscles grow in regeneration, not in training, and regeneration should not be interrupted.
A training course is ideally as follows:
Make sure you get all the muscles, from shoulders to legs. You also always want to train a muscle to the respective opponent so that there is no muscular dysbalance that can lead to posture problems. Consider: What am I doing, what is the opposite movement? So, for example, chest pressures, the opposite is rowing. Lat Pull/Climbing, the opposite movement (in this case not directly opponents, but nevertheless important) shoulder pressures. And so a training plan is created step by step.
To begin with, do a whole body plan with largely “big” exercises. Pronounce lap/climates, chest presses, rowing, shoulder stretchers, knee bows (better than leg press), leg stretchers, leg bows (okay, the two are insulated, but there is not much in the composite), crunches or crunches machine and back stretcher (hyperextension or back stretcher).
When you get clear, add isolated exercises, e.g. Bizeps curls and the Trizeps streak. Or butterfly for the chest and reverse butterfly for the back. And so on.
If the plan is too full at some point, it will be time to split, but then also to go more frequently, e.g. in upper body lower bodies or even push/pull/leg (where Leg, i.e. legs, then also contains hull). You do that because, of course, every exercise becomes more inefficient towards the end, because a lot of energy is already consumed, especially if you have countless exercises in it, and because you can train muscles on a second or third day that you did not train on the other days while the other muscles can regenerate.
As for intensity: Choose your weight so that after about 15 repetitions the technical muscle failure (so no further clean repetition is possible). 14 is also ok, 16 also, under it boosts the load (for beginners, but also because you are still very young, more questionable, later of course absolutely okay), it will eventually endurance sports. If you realize there’s another repetition, do it. And if you’re at 17 or 18, grab a weight plate in the next training so you can get back to about 15. Better start with little weight and go up until you find your training weight. It is usually such that an increment (i.e. a weight plate of 5 or 10 kilos depending on the machine) approx. 2-3 repetitions.
if you need a training plan, please write to me privately, so I can help.