Was soll ich da noch hin zeichnen?
Habe nach langer Zeit Mal wieder einen Menschen gemalt. Allerdings war dieser teilweise bedeckt und ich weiß nicht, was ich da noch hin machen soll. Irgendwelche Ideen?
Es ist zu verschenken an diese Person. Oder soll ich lieber gar nicht hinmachen und so lassen? Und wie findet ihr die Zeichnung?
You could try to fill the gaps in such a way that you can extend the upper body a little down and then the image will always run pale. See if you can find a person who has been imaged in similar clothing/storage, but can be seen completely. Then you take some of the jacket and shoulder and can “delete” the image in the “soft” area from the original.
You could make a fence out of it and in the background you would like a landscape/garden.
Thanks but the picture should never be changed so much, I’m sorry
You could make a popcorn bag, and the person is sitting in it. My idea
The shape of the gaps reminds me of sitting in a bus or plane