Was soll ein unregelmäßiges Metrum darstellen?

Was stellt ein unregelmäßiges Metrum da bzw. wie wirkt es.

Schreibe morgen deutsch und hab im Internet dazu nichts gefunden

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4 months ago

So a regular metrum rather underlines a simple and quiet content. On the other hand, an irregular metrum is rather rare and therefore a special feature. It could express strong emotions, etc. or emphasize the content again.

1 month ago

The fact that an “unregular” metrum has an objective effect cannot be demonstrated. Worse yet: Actually, there is no technical expression at all. Only as a personal feeling when reading. If you know more closely: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxEhy6r6-6I

And where I am: Also jambic verses (or the three other types) have no objective effect. What you read about it on the web is not accessible. There is only one effect: Teachers who demand the pupils drive them into the lyric frustration. LG

4 months ago

It always looks different