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5 years ago

Well, I’m saying that as a school, you can’t lose everything to your parents’ house. The attempt has often been started. School ‘Glück’. School subject. School subject ‘politics’. Of course, the school also has a certain educational obligation, but the everyday life “learns” is easier to see people live.
On the other hand, one cannot force parents to educate their child ecologically. If environmental awareness were a school subject, no one would come around. The parents who are ill-informed or simply ignorant could live an ecological life. Ideally, at least.
The biggest problem would be the implementation. In many parts of Germany there is already a lack of teachers. How to get so many qualified teachers who can teach this subject? Well, of course, you could say that the teachers in the service should just continue to train. But this is extremely time-consuming and hardly effective.
The curricula of various subjects, already from primary school, already contain environmental aspects. And how do you learn more if a studied chemistry teacher explains the effects of so-called crop protection agents using the teaching material, or if a specialist tries to explain the perfectly climate-neutral life after a one-week crash course.
In addition, when should you still be able to squeeze the subject into the schedule? Fourteen-year-olds, who have to spend almost 40 weekly lessons, are usually overloaded.
One could argue that one should give less importance to other subjects. What do I want after my Abi with poem interpretations and what should be two mandatory hours of religion every week until school graduation?
However, the complete change of the curriculum and the timetable would once again be an immense effort that no one wants to face.

I hope I could help someone.

8 years ago

You learn at school. because you listen. An important reason. Also, the little ones should learn from the ground that they have to take care of their world. Because what you’ve learned is one. And if the little ones don’t learn, no one will learn, because children are the future of the present.

I have no negative aspects that they have a little less time for ihen school supplies. But if you do it skill, you can also handle this tiny problem.

8 years ago

People “live” in schools, students for years, teachers decades.

Often for hours. => Effects on these people?

Where should a model function be ethically lived if not in school?

3 years ago

Maybe the article will help a little further.