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No, because the “Tornado” combat jet is a joint production of Germany, Great Britain and Italy. The “F16” campaign comes from US production and has nothing to do with the “Tornado”. Both are military aircraft used mainly in NATO.
Tornados are tornados and F16 are F16. Like a VW Polo is just a VW Polo and a Opel Corsa is just a Opel Corsa.
There are two different products. Tornados are used rather than hunting bombers, F16 rather than hunters, but both are multi-purpose aircraft.
No… then, like Patrick Star from Spongebob, you could ask if Mayonnaise is also a musical instrument…
Panavia 200 (PA-200) “Tornado” is a German-Italian aircraft
F-16Fighting Falcon is a plane from the USA
Use is similar
The Panavia Tornado is the tornado.
The F-16 is the F-16.
These are just 2 different types of aircraft.
In addition: The F-16 is a hunter, so a fighter plane fighting other aircraft in the air fight. The tornado is a hunting bomber, more versatile.
This is a tornado
Recorded in Nörvenich
The Tornado is a combat bomber, the F16 is an air superior hunter.
No, it’s Tornados, not F16.
It’s more bomber than hunters.