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1 year ago

Syncopes are a rhythmic phenomenon: A note begins at an untoned time in the clock and remains beyond the next stressed time. Example. A sound begins in a 4/4 clock to counting time 4 and remains for two quarters (i.e. over the counting time 1 of the following clock).

Advanced chord“, as far as I know, is not a standardized Terminus Technicus music theory. This may mean a “normal” chord (three sound), which is enlarged/extended by “included sounds”, for example, to make it sound and more interesting (e.g. a Maj 7) or to concreteize its harmonious function (e.g. a Tredezimakkord).

Advanced chord“may be a false translation of the English term “augmented chord”. In this case, an excessive triad would be (consisting of an excessive quinte divided into two large terces).