Was sind Skills gegen Anspannung, die man auf jeden Fall mal testen sollte?
Ich will mir so eine Box machen (:
Ich will mir so eine Box machen (:
Hallo zusammen, ich befinde mich gerade in dem Lebensabschnitt ,,nach dem Abi‘‘ , auch wenn der fast vorbei ist (Oktober). Für das Studium habe ich mich schon um das Meiste gekümmert (Wohnung etc). Es ist wichtig zu erwähnen, dass ich wo ich gerade wohne sehr depressiv bin aufgrund von vielen Faktoren, der Standort wo ich…
frage steht oben und am besten auch ohne therapie
Ich kann nicht mehr in WhatsApp oder Facebook reingucken ohne an ihn erinnert zu werden. Ich ignoriere alles an Nachrichten, Anrufen etc… Mittlerweile habe ich auch raus gefunden, dass das nicht an mir lag, warum er sich nicht gemeldet hatte (sein Opa ist gestorben, habe die Traueranzeige online gefunden). Jetzt mache ich mir Vorwürfe, weil…
Ich bin gern allein, hänge vorm handy, Haushalt kriege ich so mittelmäßig hin. Ich schaff es aber auch meinem Hobby (Fitnessstudio) regelmäßig nachzugehen. Achte auf mein Äußeres und versuche das Leben zu genießen. Bin mir nicht sicher ob ich depressiv bin. Generell bin ich aber eher unzufrieden mit mir selbst da ich keine attraktive Freundin…
Mein bester Freund hat seit ich ihn kenne, psychische Probleme, Minderwertigkeitskomplexe und kein Selbstwertgefühl. Über die Jahre wuchs die Überforderung in seinem Leben, er fühlte sich, als ob er nie ankommt, alles zerdenkt und dass Freunde schlecht über ihn denken, da er meint, nichts hinzubekommen. Er wurde als Kind wegen einer Persönlichkeitsstörung und Neurodiversität viel…
Skills are usually a quite individual thing. There is – at least for Apple – also an app that lists a quite detailed list: “Skills2Go”.
Classics are otherwise: chili or sour candies, acupressur rings, ammonia ampules, (hair)gummis, hedgerings, fragrance oils, tiger balm, therapy kneading, fidget spinner, etc. Ideally, skills are considered for lower voltage states and those for emergencies, which are then also more intense. Sometimes a walk or a short breathing exercise is enough. In general, however, it is not easy to suppress or “regulate” all emotions, but to deal with the situation at least afterwards.
Thanks (:
Is this app for everyone? Because it says Borderline
It goes for everyone. People with Borderline Personality Disorder have only particularly often difficulties in regulating their emotions;)
I think you’ve already found and researched a lot of skills, the Internet is full of it. Just want to give you some more tips.
Do not necessarily make a box, but a small bag, or both, because you will also need skills on the go, and therefore best always need something where you can access it at any time. To carry a box everywhere can be inconvenient.
Try the Skills before you get into the tension situation. The safer you are in handling, the faster and more straightforward you will be able to apply it, even if you can’t think so much about what you should do now and how to do with it. It should work almost automatically and be clear.
Sort the skills on the basis of their effectiveness. With low tension, you might be able to help other skills that would not help you with higher tension. Stand up for all levels of skills and work out. You’ll find out a lot in the “Learning by Doing”.
Consecration references in your project: it is always nice to have people at your hands who know what helps you and can motivate you in bad moments to use your skills. You should also discuss your skills with your therapist if possible.
The effectiveness of the skills can change over time – keep your box / bag up to date!
Do not underestimate the effect of essential oils, they have a direct influence on our feelings and thus also on the tension. Scents run directly from our nose into the limbic system. If you find a scent that reminds you of beautiful things, it can turn the leaf. In addition, they can be used at any time in a discrete manner by, for example, distributing a drop on the wrist or giving a drop on pulp.
Perhaps the suggestions helped you 🙂
I wish you a lot of success and maybe a lot of fun creating your skills! 🙂
Thank you.
Methods can also be used in a skill case
All that helps you but not bad for you or your body is can become a skill.
Thank you
I didn’t really help what helped me but at home is to go under the shower, coldest stage until it hurts, then it went first
I would write up such things and also do it in the box. Thank you
Okay, if you want to exchange, you can also write me nice day. Timo