Was sind Münzen Fehlprägungen wirklich wert?

Ich sammle seit langem Münzen und habe gerade mal alle 2€ Münzen mit komplett gleichen Symbolen zahlen ländern Jahreszeiten usw. Ich habe mehrere wo die Sterne kleiner sind als auf den anderen oder breitere Ränder zwischen Symbol und Rand mit den Sternen. Auf der einen münze von dieser königin der Niederlande ist nur auf der einen Seite Sterne am Rand ich habe eine Münze wo noch ein Stern oben zuviel ist auf der Seite wo eigentlich keine sind ist einer ganz wenig zu sehen aber eindeutig. Was wären diese Fehlprägungen wert, ich kenne mich schon aus also es sind wirklich Abweichungen der Münzen habe auch nochmal gegoogelt, da ja extrem viele bei gewissen Portalen Münzen reinstellen die keine Fehlprägungen haben… Kennt sich jemand aus der mir sagen könnte ob diese Abweichungen mehr wert sind z.B die Münze mit dem Stern der im Licht klar zu sehen ist aber dort nicht sein sollte. Sind diese Münzen wirklich hunderte bis tausende Euros wert was wäre ein ungefährer realistischer Verkaufspreis?

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8 months ago

First of all, the most important thing to learn is what deviations are in the acceptable tolerance range, and what genuine imprints are.

The deviations in the acceptable tolerance range make a large part of the “feel embossings” that you perceive to believe.

Because price coins shape, is mass production, it’s mass, not class. It is simply not possible to see the millions of a coin, all to 100% equal. That’s not possible. Therefore, certain tolerance values are calculated. Only when these tolerance values are clearly exceeded, only then could one possibly speak of a misprint.

And above all,

Forget everything you read or heard somewhere. These offers are of people who live in a completely distorted fantasy world and dream of the constant dream of smart money. As fast as possible to get a lot of money and best not to do anything for it. Using such nonsensical offers as a reference basis is in this case that the worst thing you can do at all.

Apart from that, they are offered at these inconspicuous prices, traded N I C H T and also sell N I C H T, and a value is not long ago. Whether they are sold at all is on a completely different sheet. Everyone can offer his stuff at any fantasy price, including people who have no idea about this topic.

8 months ago

Hello InLoveWithA80,

Misprints must be said:

coining course coins is a mass production,

Time is money, there is not great respect for quality, here is mass.

It is simply impossible that the embossing of millions of coins of a value unit, all 100% equal. Therefore, certain tolerance values are established. Since the tools also change/abuse during embossing.

If the tolerance values are significantly exceeded (which are defined), incorrect imprints can occur.

Faulty embossments arise due to errors in the coin image and only, either before or during the embossing process. As a rule, such coins are recognized and sorted out in the embossing institution. But some coins can get into circulation.

All damages or traces of use are not considered to be embossed.

manipulations of the coin are under penalty and the coin is worthless. However, caution is also necessary here, because a lot of manipulated is also required.

The following are considered:

Use of outdated stamps, embossing on false rounds, die rotation, double embossing, fence end, embossing weakness, decentring, double sink, light-wheel embossing, punch cracks, punch breaks, mirror embossing.

The alleged misprints in the portals with fantasies prices can be forgotten. Those who enter such offers must not complain if he finds: I have been pulled over the table.


8 months ago


different large stars at different 2-euro coins are not mismatch because the back can be designed almost individually. It can already be that in different countries the size of the stalls can vary. This also applies to distances between the stars and the actual symbol.

The missing stars in the Dutch coin could be a misprint and caused by contamination of the stamp. For example, when oil fills the depressions and thus the relief is no longer pronounced. Then, the imprint becomes noticeable as an embossing weakness. The value of such imprints is highly dependent on the expression of the error and can provide a higher double-digit amount with very good visibility. However, most are not sufficiently pronounced and therefore have little added value.

The coin, where a star is too much, could be the very rare light radian embossing in which the imprint is caused by damaged stamps. Such imprints occur when no blank has been embossed in the case of an embossing corundum and the stamps are beaten to one another. Then the motif has slightly impressed in the respective other stamp. If the other one is then further embossed with rounds, it appears that the other one can also be seen in a dazzling manner and that could explain the star on the wrong side. Mostly the “false” side appears to be invested. This means that bulging of the original back page on the wrong side appears rather as an introduction.

I have not seen a euro coin with a light-wheeler embossing yet, but I could imagine a three-digit amount if the expression of the error is clear.

However, caution is also necessary here, because a lot of manipulated is also required.

Other imprints are stamp cracks and stamp breaks, but they hardly provide added value if they are not extremely pronounced.

Then there are mirror embossments, decentralizations, double beats that can deliver a three-digit amount. Coins with a defective round (cain end) could also bring a decent three-digit amount.

As stated, the span is enormously large and depends on the shape of the error. More concretely, this can only be estimated with picture.

I think four-digit is exaggerated, and it is never ruled out that a lover also pays for such peise in the case of corresponding misprints. As a rule, such price calls are utopian.