What are the general differences between an emperor, a king and a sultan?
Question or knowledge question see above.
Question or knowledge question see above.
Hello Are dashcams now permitted that delete recordings after a certain period of time and are only used when there's a reason? For example, an accident or coercion in traffic?
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I, for one, am pretty sure that all British share prices would plummet if there was even an announcement that the British monarchy was to be abolished
Sultan was an Islamic ruler in the Middle East and South Asia.
King is the title of ruler in Europe in larger countries.
For a long time emperor in Europe there were two, both successors of the Roman emperors: the ruler of HRRDN and the ruler in the Byzantine Empire. An emperor is ranked above the kings.
There were also emperors in China and Japan.
Modern emperors are the two Napoleons and the rulers in Brazil and Mexico.
So many letters without sidestep on Muslims?
You must’ve noticed that. Maybe you’ll add it…
Huh, hate, hate…
So far the desired supplement by nele12522. Something was mine, okay, but at least you met the recommendation. Go on.
I think Sultan was more in the Asian room or something and king and emperor rather in the western. Emperor is a position higher than king, as far as I know
China had no emperor
Yeah, you can’t generalize that… I do not know the exact countries
Royal titles are inherited, Imperial not. Moreover, the king is only the head of government, but the emperor is also the legislator and Richer.
A king was originally the head of a gentile community, i.e. a tribal leader (engl. kin = Sippe).
The title Kaiser was first given in the form of Caesar (in the Roman Empire) and Keiser/Kaiser in the Germanic language room. An empire could comprise several kingdoms (in Germany, for example Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria, plus principalities). Wilhelm II. was Prussian king and at the same time German emperor.
Queen Victoria was a British queen, but at the same time also an emperor of India (before stood above the kings there, who were called Maharadschah = “big king”.
After the elimination of Bokassa (Central Africa) and Gaddafi (the Emperor of Africa), in fact so accepted by many African states, there is currently only one emperor, that of Japan, which, in political practice, is similar to the British king.
The Arabic word Sultan means “powerful” (from arab. sulta = power).