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Weihnachtsgeschenk für Mama?
Ich m14 habe keine Ahnung was ich meiner Mama zu Weihnachten schenken soll (Es ist in 3 Tagen) Am besten was selbstgemachtes Danke im Voraus
Wieso macht sie das?
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Postkarten in Bielefeld?
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Günstiger guter Schmuck?
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Time for excursions and joint ventures. because you usually take too little time for them
What they like. No one can tell you what your friends and family like, unless they know them. This is individual, not all friends or family members like the same. You need to find out for yourself
I know but I need inspiration for certain people who just have everything
You have to be creative. I got a kind of self-written story from my best friend for birthday, with people we used to do a lot and behave with in the past. I made her a CD with all the songs on it, by a musician who unfortunately didn’t sell albums and does not make music anymore. I made the cover and booklets myself. For my friend, last birthday, I painted 3 pictures of characters from series he liked.
Gifts that come from heart.