Was sind gute Fragen, die einem erfundenen Charakter Tiefe verleihen?


Frage steht oben 😉 Was wäre einige gute Fragen, die man sich über einen selbst erfundenen Charakter stellen sollte, um ihm möglichst viel Tiefe zu verleihen? Hat jemand vielleicht ein paar Tipps? Danke schonmal im Vorraus!

Eure Echoklang 🙂

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1 year ago

If you’re looking for helpful tips for characters, look at this link: https://forum.fanfiktion.de/t/14879/1 In the forum, someone has posted a really detailed letter :).

Otherwise it is always interesting to ask:

– Why is the character friends with his partner or with a person?

-What can character take back to reality in any happy moment?

– How was the character as a child? How did he/she behave when he first met xy? What has happened now and what changes?

1 year ago
Reply to  EchoklangAmi

Very welcome 🙂

1 year ago

For what would your character admire someone or Watch him?

What is he looking at others?

What’s his goal?

Why does he have the goal?

How does he want to achieve it?

What kept him from it so far?

What is the character of the other characters in history?