Was sind Folgen von Kokain?


Erstmal nein, ich hab nicht vor es zu nehmen, hätte heut nur mit nem Freund das Gespräch und wir hatten keine Ahnung was die Langzeit Schäden Koks sein könnten ich denk mal das geht extrem auf die Lunge, die schleim Häute und das Gehirn aber geht das sonst noch auf körper Regionen weil eig zieht man es ja nur durch die Nase

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1 year ago

Physical consequences:

  • weakening of the immune system
  • strong weight loss
  • Damage to blood vessels
  • Damage to liver, heart and kidney
  • Smoking of cocaine damages the lung (cracking)
  • Sniefen damages the nasal mucosa and nasal nebula.
  • The result is: chronic nasal bleeding, reduction of the sense of smell and taste
  • Spraying can result in local infections. When using common spray spots, infection with hepatitis and HIV is threatened.
  • During pregnancy, cocaine leads to premature and dead births as well as to massive maturation disorders which, among other things, lead to the misdevelopment of the brain and other organs.

Psychological consequences:

  • a rapidly developing mental dependence
  • dysphoric (miese, aggressive) mood, inner unrest
  • sexual dysfunction (impotence)
  • Sleep disorders
  • Depression
  • Drive and concentration disorders
  • Fear, confusion
  • Changes in personality: antisocial and narcissistic behaviour
  • Cocaine psychosis, with paranoid delusions and hallucinations.
  • Characteristic is the dermatozoenwahn, where the consumer is convinced, insects crawl over or under his skin. The psychosis can become chronic.

social consequences

  • criminal and financial problems
  • Contact disorders, tendency to self-isolation
1 year ago

Regular cocaine consumption destroys the nasal mucosa and can also destroy the cartilageous septum which separates the right and left nasal canal from each other, so many “old coke” have a rather disfigured nose. The cycle also damages it over time.

Coke consumption is also harmful to the psyche, many get psychoses, mostly chasing and paranoid thoughts and hallucinations, and this is very sorry.

On the other hand, there is hardly any physical dependence on coke and therefore no withdrawal, such as opiate, opioids and benzodiazepines, so you can stop using coke at any time and you will not have to suffer any withdrawal.

Coke consumption is very expensive!

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

How harmful a substance is depends on how often you use it, how much you take, whether you are predisposed, whether you take medicines, whether you have any unfavorable genetic dispositions and so on.

The lungs are mainly when you smoke it in the form of crack cocaine. On the nasal mucosa, when you sniff it (cf. Safer sniffing). Generally, especially on the heart, in extreme consumption also the neurons. Then there is, of course, still a dependency potential to be disregarded. In combination with alcohol, a typical mixed consumption, the body produces cocaethylene metabolism which acts more strongly and is even more harmful.

It is also problematic that the black market is an unregulated product, to which various other active substances and also extenders may be added, which are possibly even more harmful than cocaine itself (cf. Drugchecking).

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

1 year ago

Koa more money!

1 year ago

If you pull coke through your nose, why should it go to the lungs?

Some prefer to take cocaine intravenously.

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Possible long-life damage can only be speculated if one does not know in what quantities in which purity in which frequencies cocaine is taken.

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