Was sind eurer Meinung nach die besten Süßigkeiten?
Für mich sind das Marzipan und Konfekt – aber ich möchte meinen Horizont erweitern, kennt ihr eher unbekannte Spezialitäten, die man vielleicht auch nicht unbedingt in deutschen Supermärkten findet?
They look more than delicious.
And they also taste delicious – very much like :-))
Thanks for the star 🙂
For me these are the self-made chocolates at my baker/confectioner.
They are not inexpensive but extremely tasty and without artificial additives such as in many chocolates that you can buy at the supermarket/discounter and which are long lasting.
Yeah, it’s similar to me.
Freeze-dried Werther’s genuine, freeze-dried large Cola bottles from HARIBO, freeze-dried………( Name of candies forgot ) with pineapple flavor, freeze-dried twix, freeze-dried snickers, freeze-dried Kracher fruit. www lia candy de and www linis candy de
KitKat Matcha and Milk Tea.
I know Matcha, but I’ve never tried and I already drank Milk Tea – also very delicious! KitKat is not too good to me, I am not a friend of the ingredients produced in industrial and bulk.
Raffaelo, Giotto and Ferrero
I liked white nougat a long time ago.
Interesting, normal nougat I like to eat, I will try it! 🙂
Milky Way
They’re not telling me much, but thanks for sharing.