Was sind eure Lieblingsgerichte wenn ihr essen geht?
Also in einem Restaurant oder so
Also in einem Restaurant oder so
Der Schüler (16) trägt gerne oversize fittet Clo (ausgenommen: Sport) und isst in der Pause gerne Schokobrötchen oder manchmal Poffertjes mit Puderzucker.
Ohne käse ohne nichts, sondern auch nur Thunfisch.
Baby soll weniger Milch bekommen??? (Flaschenmamas) Hallo, wir hatten gestern gerade die U5 . Unsere Tochter ist am 1. November geboren. 7 Monate alt und wiegt 11 Kilo. Sie bekommt Beikost, seit dem 4. Lebensmonat da sie sehr große Interesse gezeigt hat. Unsere Kinder Ärztin meinte sie sei zu schwer und soll drauf achten. Sie…
Es hat eine Freundin bei mir geschlafen und wir hatten heute Nacht zu viel gegessen und haben Bauchschmerzen haha Aber trotzdem wissen wir nicht ganz was wir heute essen sollen… Was esst ihr am liebsten? Also was man zuhause essen kann
Hallo, habe den ganzen Tag schon Bauchweh neben einen Druck auf Dem Bauch. Habe vorher gebadet Aber wurde Nicht besser. Habt ihr tipps was sonst nochmal helfen könnte? Vielen dank
I don’t have any favorite dishes I keep ordering – no matter what restaurants. We go to restaurants that we liked and we were already very satisfied. And we like to eat something else every time. A changing weekly card is usually offered anyway.
Thanks for the star 🙂
I only rarely go to eat – but if I prefer this here:
Fillet or spits with roast potatoes and a wonderful metaxas sauce. Salad as a gift.
We have two locals. One cooks Greek, one Italian. Both have great meat. There we know what we get!
At the Italian I prefer carving in a white cheese sauce, sometimes also a beautiful noodle dish.
At the Chinese / Mongolian: Ente
For all others: Schnitzel.
that depends on the restaurant and does not necessarily have to be meat.
Based on the offer
Whether it’s a shepherd
Or a Wiener Schnitzel
Or a barbecue plate
What I order JEDESMAL in our favorite restaurant (real Chinese) are baked silver fish Hunanart and then you can add another
Duck with vegetables from the wok
Pasta with pesto
Bread with roasted potatoes
Steak with oven potato
Pesto never does something wrong, but I also like to try new ones.
Pigshaxe at German, carvings I can also cut myself into the pan at any time.
Gimbap/Sushi in Japanese
Gimbap, never heard 😮
It’s also Korean snack.
Most of the carvings, but if something else appeals to me, I’ll try it out.
Do you think about Duck?
Also good
500g beef steak with herbal butter and grilled corn
This is nutritious
You can also leave corn flasks.
Nee Mais goat
Gnocchi with Gorgonzola sauce.
as if it tastes you
I love it. Do it yourself.
I have to try (:
500g steak with herbal butter or grill plate
Everything else is expected. Interesting
for example Souvlaki with Tzatziki.