Was sind eure Lieblingsgerichte für Familienessen und warum?
Welche Rezepte kommen bei euren Familien besonders gut an? Gibt es traditionelle Gerichte oder moderne Klassiker, die ihr gerne teilt?
Welche Rezepte kommen bei euren Familien besonders gut an? Gibt es traditionelle Gerichte oder moderne Klassiker, die ihr gerne teilt?
Hallo, Stellt euch vor ihr würdet gerne in einer Großstadt leben, Wo würdet ihr gerne Wohnen wollen? Ich z.b in Hamburg, Köln, und München Liebe Grüße, PiglingGamer23
In Ägypten hatte ich ein leckeres Tajine-Gericht (siehe Foto mit Pfeil) gegessen und würde es gerne zu Hause nach kochen. Darin war Rindfleisch-Gulasch (mit viel Fett und Sehnen, evtl. Beinscheiben?), Okra und Tomatenstückchen. Wer kann mir helfen, wie das Gericht gekocht wird?
2780€ Gehalt (aber 16 Tage je 12 Std Schichten mit steuerfreien Nachtzuschlägen) Meine einzigen Fixkosten Handyvertrag 50€ Führerschein und Auto brauche ich nicht ! Eigene Wohnung suchen und für Einrichtung sparen will auch nicht .. mir gehts zu gut hier ! Großen Fernseher habe ich, sowie PS5, Gaming Laptop und Smartphone Und nein, ich spende…
Wie viel Zucker sollte man am Tag in Gramm zu sich nehmen, wie viel Maximal und was passiert, wenn man mehr, als die Maximale Anzahl an Zucker pro tag zu sich nimmt?
Frage steht eigentlich oben. Wichtig ist halt wirklich nur mit einem Wasserkocher.
When I cook for my family or larger groups, it is usually a mix. A big dish and some delicious supplements.
I have some favorite dishes that make me enjoy cooking and really always get good.
that is once the Spinat Lasagne- super easy and totally delicious. Then mostly salad and broth or similar. https://www.chefkoch.de/receptions/2114131340630587/Vegetarian-Spinat-Gemuese-Lasagne-mit-Tomatensosse.html
also filled zucchini (halve zucchini and hollow out, from the scratched zucchini residue as well as vegetables, pasted tomatoes and if you like minced meat, make a tomato sauce. Simply fill in the zucchini halves, sprinkle with cheese and at 180 for 15-20 min in the oven. I usually feel it) or noodle salad is great.
or, my tip when you cook for a really big group is a big pot stew. Is suoer easy and quick and can be made relatively easy and reasonably cheap for large groups 🙂
My mother takes care that we can eat for several days so that she needs to cook every day. These dishes work great for:
I can also recommend that you make a big deal (e.g. noodles, potatoes) and make many small supplements.
With my Freudnin there is a great rule that I can recommend:
One can wish a dish, but the other grievances that were desired have to eat (no alternative).
Previously, there were things like chop or beef roasts, roulettes, etc… with different vegetables and potatoes etc… soup in front blew something sweet behind… so it was usual at that time.
For many guests or even for the family, I often prepare the classic badly. Ragù alla bolognese.
In the colder seasons it is often a goulash, lasagna or a predator roast
In the warm months like all kinds of salads. Or sweet as eggcake or dairy.
Why not?
So I like to make salads, traditional “family salad” is salad from egg noodles with tuna, peas and eggs.
The old recipe “Morning Cream” is very popular in dessert. This is vanilla powder, which is mixed with some rum (20 ml to 500 ml), then boiled cream and chocolate rasps and then sprinkled with chocolate rasps.
Otherwise, uh cream soups, in winter pumpkin and chestnut in spring sour beet in early summer asparagus in summer broccoli 🙂
and fruitcake; yeast cakes with plums, or cafoutis, or agitated cakes with acidic apples. I’ll eat a lot.
Whatever goes is Bibimbap.
There are no family dinners because we are not a big family. I only cook for ourselves and of course for friends. Then it is usually a French or Mediterranean 5-course menu.