Was sind eure lieblings Früchte?
Weintrauben und Himbeeren auf die 1!
Weintrauben und Himbeeren auf die 1!
Ich habe hier eine Frage zum Thema Biologie “Was ermöglicht den Organismen im Wasser sich in der Oberflächenschicht aufzuhalten?”
Macht Kreuzkümmel vegetarische Gerichte länger haltbar?
So aus ner Tasse? oder findet ihr das normal?
Hat n kaffe mit 2 kapseln und milch aufgefüllt viel koffein?
Hallo! Ich will so schnell wie möglich abnehmen und ich hab was gehört von Intervallfasten. Die Idee ist, dass man max. nur innerhalb von 8 Stunden isst & dann mind. 16 Stunden fastet. Und ich wollte fragen ob man in den 16 Stunden Wasser trinken darf wenn man so schnell wie möglich abnehmen will […
Bspw Paprika gewürz, Knoblauch, pfeffer
Love but also grapes. I don’t eat other fruits except watermelons. But the 3 loves me
Hello DocGremlin,
So I really love every fruit and do very hard to make a decision, but strawberries are my favorites. I just love to pick them up in summer. ☺️
I wish you another wonderful evening. 🌃🥰
Strawberries, fresh from shrub from the garden are on my first place, closely followed by raspberries.
It’s difficult! Actually, everything more exotic! What you hardly get is somehow the most. We went under apples, pears, plums and plums. There were strawberries too. Rare raspberry.
But at the age you suddenly look back at his youth, with apples I’m still not really warm…
What I still love: blueberries – I always loved them and they are my constant! If only the picking would not be so laborious )-:
I love bananas 🍌
Wine grapes are also very delicious 🍇
You are full
Like raspberries and strawberries and blueberries.🍓🫐✨
LG Maike
I’ve chosen the apple because it’s the place I eat most. I like almost all other commercial fruits.
I love it.
Grapes are also real op
Good morning, bananas because they taste best for me, dear greeting
eif best and strawberry
On the cake 🍰 with lots of cream
Him before strawberries
I love strawberries.