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For me as a non-smoker more pleasant when I stand here because it smells less strongly and sometimes even pleasantly sweet (if you like the smell). In addition, the smoke is not so biting in your eyes and if you breathe something with it.
The one-time fingers, however, captivate a lot of unnecessary garbage. Chemicals in the batteries, rare metals for the chips, etc., from a sustainability perspective a full catastrophe. And then they are often not properly disposed of, but simply thrown into the waste.
Because it’s not smoke, it’s steam.
I find Vapes much better than cigars. I find the Vapes partly a very good taste hwben
Right E-Shishas are fine. Very very horny taste, is fun to steam and smells, unlike cigarettes, not so bad.
These one-time vapes like elevenbar and what I know is the last red. Poison for the environment, tastefully a full catastrophe and simply unnecessary.
I’m absolutely there. The only thing worth is the Elfbar Ananas Peach Mango. There is so far I know only a liquid with a similar taste, steamed I have not yet, is too expensive to me. Smells sometime.
I am inconceivable with my SMOK with grape minimum liquid. I haven’t steamed anything until now, which’s just getting close. But as always, it is a matter of taste 🙂
Ah lol confused with the V12 T10… Yes the normal Tfv12 also has a Q4 coil 🙂
The Tfv 12 has a Q4 coil, is it or not?
I’ve got V12 Q4 in now. But is quite similar to the Tfv12 I had already 🙂
Which evaporator, I’ve got the Tfv12 lying around. To mix mint and mango was not so smart, so it’s just around now.
After a few days had already been empty. You can do it. But be careful. Are more harmful than you think.
So far, I haven’t done any bad things.
Just as they are stronger than Shisha (at least as my Shisha) and I had to cough at first xD
I tried, but nothing I’d do. I wouldn’t do that to my health
I just taste mango taste. I usually have some in the car. Is quite comfortable with the things
How about Bang Juice Wild Mango? Tastes very good.
Tastes with the right liquid. I’ve already had some of them and these one-way things don’t come to my house.
Do not need any experience because I have zero shock for self-intoxication.
It’s all bullshit for me. I don’t breathe chemicals all the time.