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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

I don’t have any experience with it, and I don’t want to collect them. In the case of new substances, it is always unclear how exactly they affect the psyche and the body with time. Even if it turns out that the risks are similar to THC-sustainable cannabis: now you don’t know.
I would also like to recommend this episode from the psychoactive podcast. Here, the toxicologe Dr. Steinmetz comes to word and see how dangerous this substance is: Hexyhadrocannabinol (HHC) with Dr. Fabian Pitter Steinmetz,

Experience reports of individual users cannot be overestimated anyway. These are of course not very meaningful. It is more or less cognitively distorted self-perception, not systematic studies with scientific standards.

PS: Under the BtMG HHC falls only when it is in the form of flowers. True HHC bags are not available. These are usually flowers of CBD-lastic varieties, to which semisynthetically produced HHC is applied.
Whether HHC is illegal in pure form in Germany is a controversial issue. This would be the case if it were to fall under the NpSG, which is currently not conclusive. This means that the possession of quantities of own resources would not be punishable, but nevertheless prohibited.

1 year ago

Look at this post and you don’t need any more “experiences” of other consumers (without a vision):

1 year ago

From the effect just like Thc. The hhc Vapes are really good. Much better than joints with hhc, or thc.

1 year ago

Leave it. It’s part-synth stuff. Dear thc, you know what to smoke. By the way, HHC falls (yet) under the btmg, even though many say something else