Was sind eure besten Reisetipps in Europa?
Moin 👋,
mich würde interessieren, was so eure besten Reisetipps 🧭 für Europa 🇪🇺 sind. Dies können Länder, Städte, Attraktionen etc. sein.
Am besten sagt ihr noch, wie ihr dort hingekommen seit und wieviele Personen dabei waren.
Dankeschön für eure Antworten! 👍🫵
This depends on the means of transport. If you can get rid of yourself and driven by the need for punctuality somewhere, for example by flight, there are no good travel tips at all. You need a motorcycle with space for a lot of luggage in the suitcases, in the topcase and in the tank backpack. The best routes and destinations could be:
My favorite tip is Lucca in Italy. Beautiful city! It has a city wall over which you can walk completely and towers that you can visit. There are many small alleys that is mega nice. There are also several places, one of which is oval and there are mainly smaller souvenir shops.
Pisa is also nearby (beyond 1h distance)
I drove with my family (4 people) about 11h by car (from Lower Bavaria) and rented us an apartment there.
It is relatively warm there so best not in summer holidays. (Pfingst or Easter is better)
Here are some videos
There I was. Other cities in Tuscany are just as beautiful.
Vienna. Dresden. Baltic Sea ( no matter where). The Hague. London. Oxford. Edinburgh.
Thank you
It depends on what you want. Are you more interested in culture Vienna or London certainly not a bad idea. If you want to see a modern metropolis, London is certainly a good choice here, so my personal travel tip for Europe would be London. It is a modern metropolis and yet full of beautiful culture. Personally, I’ve been in London two times and I always liked it. I flew to London. Vienna, however, is also quite beautiful and if you prefer culture, it is a clear recommendation. Since I live in Austria I have not yet made an explicit holiday there, but day trips were often already.
My favorite destination to date is Estonia’s capital Tallinn. It is not as big as other European capitals. The Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and you can walk quite anywhere in a few minutes. There are various interesting museums (e.g. Museum of Knights’ Orders, Great Gildenhalle, Maritime Museum). I traveled by train to Zurich Airport and from there by plane to Tallinn.
I can recommend the pretrip app for exactly such inspirations, where you can swim through travel destinations and get the appropriate accommodation, flights and activities suggested.
I can recommend a trip through Scotland. The landscape was fantastic
How to get there?
You can do as you want. Starting point was the flight to Edinburgh
Liguria from SanRemo to Imperia, Cinque Terre um Vernazza, Cote d’Azur um Cannes, Seebühne Bregenz, Vienna-Grinzing, Prague, Zugspitze, Ardeche, Barcelona…
So I hope that a certain user will give very valuable travel tips here
My humble travel tip is Amsterdam. Very clean city and relaxed residents. Super infrastructure mi ÖPNV and gastronomy. And historically, this city is all
We drove to Amsterdam by train via a stop in Hagen, NRW. Back with the plane.
Greetings from Hamburg-Eilbek
I can always recommend the Greek islands.
Small towns in the East: Görlitz, Bautzen, Meißen, Greifswald, Potsdam
🤣 delicious.
I don’t know the place to laugh, but I don’t always have to be abroad.
Good tip, Bautzen is known for his legendary GDR prison. Meat for his horny porcelain. And Postdam with Sanssouci Castle. Greifswald as a site of a GDR nuclear power plant and Görlitz as a border town to Poland. All cool places to visit.
One more…
The car is in Lubmin. Leipzig still has a nice joint.
😅 delicious.
So what? Can’t everyone live like you.
See that It remains profane.
So do I. What do you think about it?
Görlitz is not my home, but was already there. You should read the question again, I can answer what MIR popular, comprndes!?
Do you think your suggestions for some boxes on the ass of the world are so golden?
And I still don’t see the place to laugh. For you, obviously, only one opportunity to give your far-spirit to the best. I can’t believe you don’t know your own home.
It must be laughed at such profane proposals ! Are you the humor police here?
I’d like to stay that way. Others see that differently. No need to make that ridiculous. Especially because you don’t even know the places and then can’t judge them.
The cities I have called are not big cities except Barcelona and Prague. And it doesn’t always have to be abroad. There are places where I can’t go, for example Bautzen and Greifswald.