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2 years ago

Less starving attacks.

Psychic and physically fitter.

Healthy appearance.

2 years ago

Actually, no one advises a complete waiver of candy etc.

The complete abandonment of something specific, for example, we take the candy, is at least as unreasonable as to eat too much of it. So you should just try to be reasonable, especially when eating and drinking. It is almost all allowed, it always only depends on the reason of the individual. But prohibitions or stricter regulations, tax increases and the like, are at least as unreasonable as if one behaves completely undisciplined and would no longer wash properly, for example. Everyone should find such a healthy average of everything, then there are no problems.

If you have small children, then it would be desirable for parents to cook the children what the children like to eat. So it should be healthy and delicious. In my opinion, to force the children only with violence and against their will does nothing. But in return they should get used to eating properly first, fresh fruits and vegetables and before that there is no chocolate!

2 years ago

What makes Junk Food so unhealthy?

Junk food recognize the high content of sugar, salt and calories, the high proportion of saturated fatty acids and the lack of fiber. Much salt and chemical additives are in Junk food to find which can lead to high blood pressure.

All you need to know about Junkfood – Saturo