Was sind die Vor.-und Nachteile wenn ich was erspare oder zinslos abzahle?
Ich möchte gerne eine Kamera inkl. Objektiv.
Kostenpunkt 5.000€
Ich müsste dann lange und konsequent Geld weglegen, anderseits habe ich die Möglichkeit den Betrag in 12 Monaten zinslos abzuzahlen.
Was wäre die richtige Entscheidung?
Wie würdet ihr das machen?
Interestless loans are given money.
From an economic point of view, it is only sensible.
Of course, the purpose is whether it is sensible or not.
I find it insane to spend 5,000€ for a camera with lens. I am sure you will also get a very good camera for 3,000€ incl. Obj.
For what purpose should the camera be?
Apart from that, if the price on rates is the same, buy on rates and you can use the camera immediately.
If you’re a good businessman or investor and 5,000 you can’t immediately pay more than interest, the answer is clear.
I don’t think it’s insane. The interest is in the price.
The price has already been greatly reduced.