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Was ist die beste SSD?
Was ist die beste SSD pur in Leistung? Also sagt Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus G, und eine andere meinte Corsair MD660 XT. Also die Speicherkapazität ist erst mal egal, denn ich brauche eh nur 1TB. Und mit was misst man SSD Geschwindigkeit? Mit Lese/Schreib geschwindigkeit oder womit? LG
HDD is significantly slower than HDD
Depending on the care and manufacturer etc., you can describe an HDD infinitely often, an SDD has limited writing cycles.
However, as the writing cycles are SO high, brands SSD ́s / M.2 can be described as often as they keep them loose 5-10 years before they fail, but then you would have to cause them 24/7 standing letters.
But there are enough tests etc.
An 8TB HDD costs now ~150€
An 8TB SSD, Naja would rather not ask, much to expensive.
Therefore you always say 1 M.2 for the operating system (ca 500GB or 1TB), a large HDD for data such as movies, pictures, backups etc.
And a M.2 only for games.
Games can also be installed on HDD ́s, but some games have significantly greater performance or very short charging times when installed on an SSD/M2.
HDDs are mechanical, like a record player. Thus more susceptible to damage and failure. SSDs are only chips that are connected directly to the motherboard via PCI and are therefore not only significantly faster and quieter than HDDs, they are also significantly less susceptible to failures or damages. SSDs are to be vouched in the home office and gaming.
they’re faster and don’t just get broken. but they cost more
Faster, more wear-free.