Was sind die grundimpfungen?

Meine Eltern haben sich dafür entschieden mich gegen gar nicht zu impfen. Weder Corona noch masern nichts.
Ich bin 17 Jahre alt und möchte mich aber impfen jetzt damit ich meinen Traumjob machen kann. Für den muss ich am Assessment day meinen Impfpass mitnehmen (01.12.) also so 2 Monate ungefähr. Ich kenne mich gar nicht mit Impfungen aus. Meine Eltern unterstützen mich da auch nicht. Welche Impfungen sollten im Impfpass denn stehen? Weil da steht nur impf pass mitnehmen und wenn ich denen sage ich bin nicht geimpft kann ich glaube ich nicht den Beruf ausüben weil sonst hätten sie den ja nicht verlangt.
schaffe es das in 2 Monaten? Es tut mir leid aber ich kenne mich da nicht aus. Ruft man da beim Hausarzt an oder wie geht das

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1 year ago

If you call the family doctor or how does it go

Yeah, you do.

You just say you want to leave you for the most common inoculation.

Because you don’t usually do multiple vaccinations a day for safety reasons (excl. combination preparations) you should start with the corona vaccination that makes the C vaccination work properly, you need to spray 2 times at a distance of 6 weeks.

2 weeks after the 2nd vaccination, you will count as a basic immunity.

You’ll probably get another vaccination between the two vaccinations with a combination preperate that inoculates you against 3 different things.

1 year ago
Reply to  Melina271

I just wanted to tell you that you were on no case should start vaccination with the corona. It is the most unnecessary vaccination and everything else than safe. That’s what we’ve been doing for 1 1/2 years. Not now, where the monkey circus finally ends. You’ve been through so well. That would be a pity to get involved.

The other vaccinations can be partially recuperated, but I suspect that your pediatrician is only doing an antibody test because it is useless to inoculate you against something that you already had.

1 year ago
Reply to  Melina271

If you’re the two in two months. Vaccination already has no problem. Even if you do not yet act as a basic imitation.

That’s possible with 6 weeks waiting time. And ask if you could shorten the 6 weeks to 4 weeks you can also the doctor. No idea if he does, but there were any circumstances where that was possible.

1 year ago
Reply to  Asporc

Corona is the most important, there are significantly more important vaccinations, polio, tetanus, MMR etc.

1 year ago

Oh, say if it gets worse. I knew there was anger, but my dear…

Melina, I advise you only from the Corona vaccination. No more. To make an informed decision. I thought it was irresponsible to advise you first for Corona vaccination, not now, when more and more daylight comes to it, with regard to severe and severe side effects. Not now, where the monkey circus is finally over and no longer interested.

Now you know, and you can decide for yourself, don’t let anything you don’t want. Regardless of this, I wish you the best and great success on your further path.

1 year ago

Finito isn’t because people like you remember the glorious moments of dizziness where you felt you were listening to your Wahnwitz.

That’s why you had to report. Not because you care about someone but because it no longer cares for the vaccination that serves to eradicate humanity, which the vaccinated have not died in rows.

I do not play with the lives of other people by recommending them to give up their dream profession and risk their future only to plunge into an empirically proven delusion of the inability to understand as a percentage.

But what to expect from someone who can’t understand the 6 weeks + 2 weeks waiting within 2 months are quite short.

1 year ago

Wake up, it’s over. No person is still interested in a basic immunization, everyone has already had, or something. It’s through, to the end, finito…

If an application is based on this lack of vaccination, then the best thing that could happen to you is that. The ways of the Lord… But this will not happen, no more interested.

1 year ago

But you obviously are not able to understand the problem with the basic imunization and the appointment in 2 months.

Ever heard of the vaccination interval at 6 weeks and the time of the basic imunization? Funny as I mentioned that.

A toothless tiger, impossible to enforce.

Ahja you know exactly that an application is NOT rejected because of lack of vaccination.

1 year ago

I didn’t recommend Corona.

Upstairs, I quote: “you want to start the Corona vaccination”

The obligation for nursing and health staff… so so, this toothless tiger. Yeah, I admit to you really pulled all the registers to make it credible. For most, this has certainly been enough, but I know a very good nurse at the nursing service, two nurses, as well as a doctor who just didn’t do it anyway… and now… no cocks after that.

A toothless tiger, impossible to enforce.

1 year ago

I didn’t recommend Corona.

But you obviously are not able to understand the problem with the basic imunization and the appointment in 2 months.

And there was such a duty for hospital staff and nursing staff to be inoculated.

When was it canceled?

1 year ago

I knew there was trouble, of course, but I couldn’t let her run into the open knife. Sorry.

Corona vaccination is done, it no longer crows a cock. Thank you. It is not necessary for anything, even in the United States you can now return without entering.

Furthermore, I do not think about it, because this will certainly not lead to anything if, in addition to all sensible and really important vaccinations, one recommends the Corona vaccination. There is no argumentative bridge that would be big enough to span a gap to this extent.

1 year ago

This is brainless bullshit.

Especially if you have to give up a job just because you don’t want the vaccination.

It’s nothing else.

1 year ago

Vaccinations can be done by the doctor. He can also advise you on how much distance should be between the individual vaccinations or whether certain vaccinations can also be combined. You don’t have to do anything else. Just call your family doctor, sign your desire and make an appointment. That’s it. If you’re interested in…

The German Federal Ministry of Health considered the following basic vaccinations:

  • diphtheria
  • tetanus
  • Poliomyelitis (children’s paralysis)
  • Infection with Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
  • Pertussis (Keuchhusten)
  • Hepatitis B
  • Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR)
  • Varicells (anglepox)
  • Rota virus, Pneumokokken infection
  • Meningokokken-C infection
  • HPV (Humanes Papillomvirus)

Further recommended:

  • FSME ( tick vaccination)
  • Hepatitis A

For people höhren Age of Furthering:

  • Influenza (fluenza)
  • Herpes Zoster (Gürtelrose)

Certain vaccinations last for a lifetime (e.g. MMR), others must be refreshed every few years (e.g. Tetanus or FSME).

1 year ago

Yes. Only you will not be able to make all vaccinations in this short time.

1 year ago

Go to the doctor and ask for it. So spontaneously, the influenza vaccination occurs every year and Tetanus vaccination of all 10 (?) years or so.

1 year ago

If you grew up in Germany, it is impossible that you do not have compulsory vaccinations (Tetanus, Diphterie, Child Paralysis, Keuchhusten)

1 year ago
Reply to  Melina271

Why do you think this vaccination is a compulsory vaccination? I thought the only mandatory vaccinations in De were Pocken (in the meantime abolished) and effectively Masern if you want to leave your children in kindergarten.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hoegaard

There are no mandatory vaccinations in Germany…

1 year ago
Reply to  Mugua

Measles meanwhile, since without measles immunization no school visit.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hoegaard

And how that is possible. It is compulsory only to vaccinate maize for the visit of public nurseries and schools.