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One is a city with a world call and Düsseldorf now, Dusseldorf’s stop. 😉
Frankfurt is a Cup winner, significantly bigger, has an airport everyone knows, the banks, the stock exchange and Goethe.
In addition, high-rise houses, Mainhattan.
I am Frankfurter, but “real” is exaggerated. Frankfurt has approx. 100,000 inhabitants, but is the same size class.
Frankfurt has more land.
It’s a metro region now.
If you look at the entire Ruhr area at Düsseldorf as “Umland”, it would be bigger….
(You can’t compare. I know Dusseldorf too little to make a verdict whether it’s beautiful. Frankfurt did it.)
I know a similarity; they are both very, very liveable cities!
Two different Länder
One begins with a D, the other with a F.
Frankfurt has some very critical area and a very active drug scene.
What city does she not have in Germany
Are completely different cities. I definitely prefer Düsseldorf.
In Frankfurt we drink Ebbelwoi, in Düsseldorf Altbier.
Dusseldorf is a state capital, Frankfurt is not.
This is actually a common thing:
both inedible drinks.
In what context?
Frankfurt is a banking metropolis, Düsseldorf is an important location in the creative scene.
Frankfurt is an international cruise hub.
Frankfurt am Main, Düsseldorf am Rhein.
That’s fine
This will not believe, Frankfurt is located in Hessen, Düsseldorf in NRW.
Frankfurt is there twice, Düsseldorf only once.
There’s nothing against the Colognes in Frankfurt.
Goethe was born in Frankfurt, not in Düsseldorf.
Heinrich Heine was born in Düsseldorf, and there is a Goethe-Museum.
But would you have stayed in Düsseldorf, although the village is in the back it is a city and that is a very beautiful even
Frankfurt am Main and Düsseldorf is on the Rhine
In Frankfurt people do not have such an unspeakable dialect. It is also strange, but far more bearable than the Rhenish Gelalle
Frankfurt is located in Hessen and Dusseldorf in NRW
The federal state
Hello 20janine07!
Frankfurt the Financial city in Germany, however, also has high crime.
Düsseldorf is more for pleasure, mood, shopping, carnival
Good day
The beer.