Was sind die besten Essensfotos heute bei gute Frage?
Wieso ich das frage? Ich nehme ab (also eigentlich) und will mich vom eigenen Kühlschrank ablenken.
Helft mir bitte!
Wieso ich das frage? Ich nehme ab (also eigentlich) und will mich vom eigenen Kühlschrank ablenken.
Helft mir bitte!
Hey, mein Pferd ist mir vor ca. 2 Wochen auf mein Fuß drauf getreten. Er ist gleich blau geworden und auch ein bisschen geschwollen. Es ist bis heute noch nicht besser geworden und wenn ich nur leicht drauf drücke tut es weh. Was soll ich machen?? Danke schonmal 🙂
Frage steht oben.. Tracke aktuell Kalorien, daher die Frage.. Das man die gesamte Menge nicht tracken muss bzw der Körper das nicht aufnimmt ist mir klar, denn das meiste wird ja ausgespuckt sobald man fertig ist Dennoch kann der körper was über die schleimhaut aufnehmen oder? Wieviel ca?
die gibts ja schon
I never see them.
So best for me is my dinner, my favorite inn had hunter’s roast.. correctly after a whole day hiking in doofem weather (either has rained it.. or was totally plumage).
So:Jägerbraten with fresh Chsmpignons& Pfifferlingen, Kloss& sauguter Soss.
The super supplement salad is not in the picture
Full hit: Have rice with mushrooms later…
Is that the right procedure?
Wouldn’t be better, you eat healthy food carefully. Learn about healthy nutrition and sports. Then you don’t have to starve.
It’s… for sports, but I’m too heavy… I usually have 1 meal/day in the evening. It tastes good and I enjoy it very well…
1 meal is too little. To stuff 3 daily portions into them, overfills the stomach. Thickness can also make sports! There’s something about YouTube.
Here I saw a picture of food for the first time on Good Question.
If you had asked the question a little more, I would have taken my late lunch today.
I cooked my body dish today. Picked beef tongue with potatoes.
I’d be with the potatoes…
If you want to see eating photos, install the Instagram and search for it.
I haven’t seen anyone today 🙂
Then I’ll put it on?
maybe you’re looking for it. 😉
For you, food certainly has a completely different value.
Maybe you should distract yourself with something else. You’re interested in something else, if you don’t mind.
Maybe a stupid comparison. If I want to have sex and watch porn all the time, it can also be counterproductive 🤭
Maybe I’d rather watch a docu with something completely different. Like people living in parts of Asia, very secluded. How much work they invest for their food. Or the rice harvest in India + China. 😉
maybe you can find something here
I also find
often interesting.
The comparison is good…