Was sind die Basics an Wissen eines Shotssellers?
Hi mich interessiert das Thema Shortselling und möchte wissen wie diese Welt funktioniert.
Habt ihr gute deutschsprachige Seiten in welchen erklärt wird wie was wann etc.
Oder einfach nur etwas was einen mehr in die Matierie bringt.
Grüße an die Welt
Shortselling is just a bet on falling stock prices.
Well, I understood that, but how and how do the information that a company will fall sharply?
Mostly not, but if, for example, a company has quarterly reports and you suspect that they are bad, then the price could slip. Or if the price has risen sharply in a short time, a correction is most likely.
As I said, it is rather a bet, not necessarily a 100% knowledge
There is no special knowledge. You sell only and buy later. Can any better broker.
I don’t think so, even if superficially correct, according to a statement there are no 2% of the traders on the world that can really do that well and can read from charts which firma pleite goes/bescheist/etc
Very instructive…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjuuVogtTE4
What does that have to do with it? You speculate on falling courses. If TSLA goes from 270 or 265, there will be 5 wins. Danz without b*** and Pleite. And that goes with every instrument. I recommend Options 😉