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depends on:
May be that on behalf of a forest owner you completely manage its forest. This means that you plan and monitor all the works relating to this forest, wood impact, planting, reforestation, care,… may be that you also carry out the complete hunting on this area itself, or at least organize.
It may also be that your job is to advise private forest owners what they should do best with their small forest areas.
It may be that your job is to carry out financial support measures that forest owners can take if they implement certain measures.
It may be that your job is to watch that the laws relating to the forest are also observed on the surface.
Can be very good that your job is a mix of that you have on a part of the area you are responsible for fulfilling all these tasks, on others only a part of it…
The Förster takes care of the maintenance and administration of the forest in public hands. He also advises and maintains owners of private forests. He spends a lot of time at the desk, but sometimes in the woods. In the forest, its tasks are also such as marking trees, so in the preparation of forest care measures. He makes suburban appointments with forest owners, in measuring wooden poles or in controlling areas with bork beetle problems…../as I have already explained, the forest farmer and förster is two few shoes….
Nursing and hunting the forest.
a forest farmer was formerly the forest worker (forest workers). But the question referred to the förster, not to the forstwirt.
Doesn’t he care for the forest and check it off regularly?
The forest farm is always a förster. As in a company of masters or foreman. Forstwirte therefore work on behalf or on plan. They cultivate the forest and, of course, they check out the forest independently, but the förster is the one who puts down his “temple”.
KIWUH: Professional image: Förster*in