Was sind Deine größten Ängste und Hürden, wenn es darum geht, Verantwortung für Dein Leben zu übernehmen und in die Selbstermächtigung zu kommen?

In die Selbstermächtigung zu kommen und die Verantwortung für das eigene Leben zu übernehmen, ist ein großer Schritt auf dem Weg zu persönlichem Wachstum. Doch oft stehen uns Ängste und Hürden im Weg. Welche Erfahrungen hast Du gemacht? Welche Ängste oder Blockaden hindern Dich daran, die volle Verantwortung für Dein Leben zu übernehmen und in Deine Kraft zu kommen? Teile gerne Deine Gedanken und lass uns gemeinsam darüber nachdenken, wie wir diese Hürden überwinden können.

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4 months ago

have you been bored? my elders raised me from small to self-employment. with 18 I went out, short time later to go out and took my life into my own hand. the same applies to my children. nr 1 went with 18 to study into another city, nr two went with 18 into education and live his life. nr 3 is in training second year of teaching and since he 16 is partly in his own household, partly dependent on where he is employed. he goes to the greatest part already his own way and lives his own life.

there are no blockages or fears. you learn how to live

4 months ago


Everyone likes to live his life as he wants.

But to use this platform with such “questions” as advertising (in the safe knowledge that many labile and esoteric are running around open people), I find it very concerned.

4 months ago
Reply to  Herzfalter

Then you should remove the links to your homepage etc. from your profile.

4 months ago

We want to make all the money, that’s completely understandable.

4 months ago

Doulingo strike to maintain