What kind of connections are these?

I think the one on the left is a fiber optic connection and the one on the right is a cable connection. However, my landlord assured me there's also a DSL connection, so am I mistaken?

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5 months ago

The photo is from such an angle that we can hardly see anything.

A TEA for DSL looks like this

A multimedia box for cable internet has round plug connections

Fiberglass is different either the router stands at the connection (usually cellar) or a modem is at the connection and a Lan cable goes to the router.

The left can be a home can (Lan) but it must be fed somewhere. A router would then send the signal to a patch in a fully wired house and be distributed from there with Lan cable to the rooms. If you have a rental apartment, it’s not the case.

To finally know.


5 months ago

On the left the (unscreened) RJ45 were common in the ISDN environment. Most likely DSL. Because of the lack of shielding probably No LAN.

Right probably an old roof antenna and No Cable connection.

If the landlord assures you DSL, I would just order it. The technician will find the rest.

5 months ago

Telephone (TAE), electricity, electricity, TV, cable (or cable, TV). Can’t be seen.

5 months ago

the left can be quite DSL.

Fiberglass looks completely different