Was sind das für Punkte / Hügel am Auge?

Hallo zusammen,

Ich habe an meinem rechten Auge 2 solcher Punkte/Hügel könnte man vllt mit Schmerzen wegreißen und eins am rechten Auge am lied. Und am linken Auge oben. Was ist das? Es tut nicht weh, aber schaut nicht schön aus. Ich weiß nicht ob ich das schon länger habe, aber gerade erst bemerkt / gesehen.

Danke schon mal.

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9 months ago

These surveys are similar to small warts. This is unpleasant, but m.W. harmless and comes and goes again.

I know the symptom ‘when’ as a temporary imbalance in the mineral balance; with the biochemical functional agent No. 4: Kali.Chlor. D6, taken in cure, can be eliminated.

This means as tablets and as cream in pharmacies (see link).

4 x 2 tabs are left for improvement. on the 1st day and on the following days 3 x 2 tabl./day to disintegrate in the mouth.

I have been using this gentle cure very successfully for 45 years. :-


I see, I also care about the cause. In the case of symptoms with this mineral substance, there is a functional liver weakness; (to) fat food belongs to the triggers.

In humans hair grows relatively rarely in the underlid area; there are also no sebaceous or hair glands (there are more in the beard area). In this case, two other minerals would also be responsible.

9 months ago

You can’t take that away.

It could be mites, clogged sebaceous glands.

You can have her professionally removed from a family doctor or an ophthalmologist.

Good for you.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sallygreyy

No, contact lenses have nothing to do with, hair glands can clog up, that’s harmless.