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There are no chemtrails in reality. They belong to absurd conspiracy theories. The idea is that “the one up there” (whoever this may be) want to poison the population by means of substances they add to the condensing of aircraft.
As abstrus this is obvious, considering how strong the condensation strips are carried on by the wind. A poisoning would be much easier, for example, via the drinking water, or about flour, milk, cookies, etc.
There is no evidence for this. But this does not prevent some people from being particularly convinced: if there is no evidence, it proves how secret this measure is and how carefully the evidence was destroyed!
Chemtrails is no more than a conspiracy theory. Which is exactly what I can tell you: it is nothing because it does not exist. It’s supposed to be distributed over planes. But you should not consider it as they do not exist.
Apparent toxic chemicals that are deliberately sprayed into the air to make people sick and poison. They don’t exist. Condensation theorists often call chemotrails
People could be more easily poisoned with drinking water or basic foods. But what reason should you have?
Chemtrails are supposed to be poisonous chemicals that, according to some conspiracy censuses, are released into the air by every airplane to make people sick, mentally envy and similar mares.
Does this also cool the air?
Since there are no chemtrails, the question is superfluous.
Okay, thanks
Conspiracy bullshit, of course, of aluminium beams.
Chemtrail – Wikipedia
Fairy tales.