What are booster packs that can be purchased with gems (Steam)?
Can you buy anything else with the gems?
Thank you in advance!
Can you buy anything else with the gems?
Thank you in advance!
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With the gemstones, I know you can only buy Booster packs. A Booster pack contains three random collection cards. You can use the collection cards on Steam to make Badges. With Badges you get XP, which you need to climb the level on Steam.
Alternatively, you could sell the gems via the community market. It is also rather unlikely that you will get all the necessary collection cards for a badge through such booster packs.
If you want to climb up to the level on Steam quickly, you could have a low-priced card set here: https://steam.tools/cards/
With the gems you can buy these booster packs – but use as well as nobody. You need the booster packs to get on your profile on Steam LVL. :