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Thomas Richter
5 months ago

I experience both professional groups as very open and helpful in everyday work. I don’t think there’s any issues you can’t address. Apart from that, experienced therapists and/or doctors have already heard everything. Everything.

The only thing I’d be personally holding back would be personal questions. This starts with a place of residence, a marital status, a partnership… some patients ask that to simply signal interest, but psychiatrists and therapists usually take their boundaries between profession and private very seriously.

These are themes that are unanswered if they are not immediately aborted. Distance is an important topic in the profession and you should not challenge it better than patient.

In general, one should ask whether it is okay to talk about topics that could not even be associated with a lot of imagination of therapy.

But otherwise: feel free!

5 months ago

Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist would like to receive help. And if someone goes to the doctor with back pain, and tells the doctor that his belly hurts, he doesn’t have to wonder if the back is not treated.

What I would like to say is that there are no taboo topics. If you are to be helped, then you need the openness to talk about everything that burdens you.

5 months ago

None, that is the point behind it, so they also have a duty to silence

5 months ago

No, you can talk about everything she doesn’t burden.

5 months ago

Ohh, they’re hard and so tabooed that we can’t imagine.

Don’t even know if I can write this at all.

5 months ago

No one.