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None of the three results in the specified selection options are correct.
None of them, the right answer would be 10 billion, not 100 billion
10 billion = 10, = 1 high 16
nothing of it
that has a 0 too much if I have counted correctly
thank you for not setting a thousand points
I came to the same conclusion.
well, I’ve been counting again
but was too easy, I thought he was so tricky
Yeah, okay
when you see it like this, it makes sense
I like to answer
Why take it easy, I’m going to sort out with whose problems I’m ready to deal with.
get loose, you’re taking too much meaning
there I find all the fetish worse
Even with assholes, the PC is broken.
he does not want any real help, he wants to play with your mind
I can’t help such people, and then he’s coming to ignore me.
Fun, play with people.
He uses a certain character trait of most people and is looking forward to it.
I do not understand the meaning of the whole question.
Take the zeros from the two numbers and set one davir
… but without counting the zeros.