Was sieht der Kontrolleur, wenn er meine Bahncard und mein Onlineticket scannt?

Ich reise oft mit der Bahn und bestell dazu im Internet das Ticket. Bei der Kontrolle wird der Barcode und die Bahnkarte gescannt. Mich würde interessieren war er auf seinem Gerät ersehen kann.

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4 years ago

So at the time of the ticket, whether it has already been checked, your name and city railway station/ destination station, ticket number and, if necessary, with Bahncard.

If you scan the Bahncard then the device checks whether the Bahncard is also part of the ticket (at online tickets the railway cards are deposited.

11 years ago

It does not see more than the data that are also on the ticket in plain text, as well as whether the presented identification card matches the ticket.

11 years ago
Reply to  homato

Ticket type (e.g. normal or savings price), validity period, class, train category, possible discounts, route, if applicable. Numbers of trains booked, name of owner etc.

11 years ago

Interesting question. Why don’t you ask for an official question to Deutsche Bahn AG? If you have any doubts, please contact the consumer associations.