Was seht ihr als Vermögen 💶?
Den Wert des gesamten Besitzes, den man hat, oder den Kontostand? Ich dachte früher immer, es sei der Kontostand.
Vielen Dank für eure Antworten und liebe Grüße!
PS: Was bedeutet es dann, ein Millionär zu sein? Einen Wert von all seinen Dingen, also dem ganzen Besitz (egal ob Immobile ect.) von min. 1 Mio.€ zu haben, oder min. 1 Mio.€ auf dem Konto zu haben?
For me, this is the totality of all worthy things.
Like the account balance, but also real estate and other things.
An old TV for which you will get 10€ for classifieds would be more than pure, you will have a brand new original package for 2,000€, which you can sell at least for 1,000€, but already (even if there is not much fortune) if you would compile everything. Just because it would be too laborious to count every little thing and also not always knows if you find buyers for every small stuff.
The fortune is all for me. Millionaire is for me if you have a million euros.
So there is also the expression of liquid assets. That would be just your cash because you can keep moving it;)
If you leave a million in the account… well, the question of how the person came to the money is probably more lucky than the mind.
All assets are relevant (shares, bonds, precious metals, real estate…), who is smart, does not burn his money in the account.
If I own five houses, that’s more than one million euros in the account.
The image “the scream” is probably worth more than a person with 100 million euros in the account…
All together