Was schon vor der Schwangerschaft beachten?


Ich werde voraussichtlich zum Ende dieses Jahres die Pille absetzen und wollte mal fragen, ob es Tipps gibt, was man schon jetzt beachten könnte und eben dann, wenn’s ans Eingemachte geht 😜

Ich bin Mitte 20. Rauche nicht, trinke wenig Alkohol, Koffein gehört auch nicht in meine Lebensmittelpyramide. Ich mache Sport und ernähre mich recht ausgewogen. Vielleicht gibt’s ja aber noch einen Geheimtipp von euch.🌸

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1 year ago

If there was a secret tip I would know, I would have long been stone-rich;-)

Only one thing is important: the intake of folic acid, and most importantly from child’s request. This is important for preventing neural tube defects. Of course, you can buy the expensive brand products from advertising, but a cheap preparation (e.g. Folio forte) is enough.

Otherwise, you don’t have to take anything in addition, even if the advertisement or Instagram partially suggests something else.

The best way to think about the sharing of parental time and childcare is not to start early enough;-)

1 year ago

I’ve heard in various advertisements of folic acid… Your doctor or your pharmacy definitely know better about it. 🙂
A lot of success (Is it really important: white/will the dad also? I don’t want to join you.)

1 year ago
Reply to  Nini0412

That’s what I’m glad:-)

1 year ago

Hello dear, you’re doing a lot right.

It is recommended for both parents.

However, do not set too many expectations that it can take a while. It also has a lot to do with compatibility. I have such a guess that the blood groups also play a role. The one embryo is a foreign body separated by placenta. Otherwise it could lead to blood poisoning. Some women’s bodies repel embryos, but it is usually from second pregnancy and there are extra tests to check the compatibility between mother and child. There are problems, there is an extra syringe and then everything is good.

There are some couples who can’t get pregnant, but with others it worked.

So relax and enjoy;)

Folic acid is already recommended before pregnancy as it takes some time to settle in the body.

That’s exactly how I might take fish oil and multivitamins. Not every day, but in some regularity. That’s how I did it.

We were lucky and were immediately pregnant in the first month 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Nini0412

Thank you, press the thumbs.

What I wrote is “Rhesus Factor”. It is not that bad:) at least nowadays it is no longer a problem.

So this is going to happen.)

Just listen to you and your heart, you’ll be right. No matter what.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lyrily

Some women’s bodies repel embryos, but it is usually from second pregnancy and there are extra tests to check the compatibility between mother and child.

You probably mean the rhesus factor? This is not an obstacle in pregnant women, and even if the mother is rhesus-negative and the potential father is rhesus-positive.

But not even this is a problem nowadays, then during pregnancy and after birth (if child rhesus-positive) there is a syringe, the so-called anti-D.

Recently, one can actually determine the rhesus factor of the child prenatal, so before birth it is clear whether the mother needs the syringe at all or not. If the child is rhesus-negative, then it logically does not need any prophylaxis.

However, a rhesus factor incompatibility is problematic, but does not lead to miscarriages.

1 year ago

Above all, not as a woman mean to be alone responsible if it doesn’t work immediately, but also involve the future father in healthy diet and waiver of things like alcohol, at least until the child is born. ;

Besides, from the start, make sure that you stay equal, even in the circle of friends, not that you only get baby stuff, but he keeps things just for himself, that would be just unfair, but here many still have to think about.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nini0412

There was a rather long text written on GF the other day, although all the small things are, but together, a huge batch.

Like fathers are often for all “superdaddys” if they take over the children alone, which in schools usually only the mothers are considered as contact persons, or that, for example, a spot on the clothes is always accused of the mother, even if the painter has happened to the father.

I don’t have children, but you can see that when men do something about child, they are almost harassed for it, but women are expected to be exactly the same often totally self-evident.

1 year ago

Do not stiffen you on a pregnancy and make sex after calendar.

Just keep life normal and see what happens.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nini0412

And don’t worry about the environment or political things.

When you or your partner was born there were also bad things – there were in every generation- no matter whether “cold war, RAF, Chernobyl, NSU …., it’s always something.