Was schmeckt euch besser: Erdbeeren oder Himbeeren?
bei mir sind es Himbeeren, ich mag den leichten Geschmack mehr. Bei Erdbeeren kommt mir in letzter Zeit der Geschmack etwas ,,chemisch” vor, aber es schmeckt dennoch gut. Trotzdem bin ich Himbeer-Fan. :DD
Gerne mit Begründung.
If I eat both unprocessed, I prefer the strawberries. I also prefer strawberries processed to ice and yogurt. On cake or processed as a cake cream I prefer raspberries. As juice, too.
Thanks for the detailed answer!
Although I actually love both. In raspberries, however, when mature, I find the taste more intense!
Welcome to the club! 🥰
With raspberries I often have this furry feeling in my mouth. That’s why strawberries.
Oh, that’s Chloe in profile. :
Yesss haha
Yeah, right! I’m gonna be fat. Sorry.
I find her character had potential, but the author has not decided to give her a character development. It’s a shame.
It depends. Sometimes yes, sometimes no
Do you like her character?
Actually both like to, but raspberries are kind of quicker because they are so soft and are directly stupid.
Yes, unfortunately, the really fast…:/
I prefer raspberries (yes)
Welcome to the Raspberry Club! Yess.
I like both, but strawberries a little more because they don’t get so fast ^
Yeah, kind of.
But raspberries are also delicious
Of course they are!! 😆
I am allergic to raspberries, but also not so
I prefer raspberries, but I only have strawberries in the garden. Delicious are they too! 😋🍓
Both – but each at his time!
Regional and seasonal…;)
I’m sorry but I just don’t like raspberries
All right! Here are strawberry fans and raspberry fans are welcome. ;
Dear strawberries.
Strawberries taste better
I’d rather eat
Both, but both just padded themselves
I’d rather eat strawberries.
Why do you always send such good pictures?! Do you want to make me hungry again?! Evil Spatz😂 (no, fun)
I’m just saying that.
The same applies to me.
I know, I was just kidding.
I know. Don’t take it personally. 😉
Strawberries taste better.